Wednesday, January 22

Laser Marking on Metal Components


One of the benefits of laser marking on metal components is its ability to produce colored markings. This process is not damaging to the material, but creates a chemical change beneath the surface. This method is ideal for metals with fragile surfaces that cannot sustain abrasion or damage. This process involves slowly heating the metal to a certain temperature. The cooled metal then changes color. The color changes when light hits the metal’s oxide layer. If you are looking for laser marking visit this website

Fiber lasers

There are many advantages of using Fiber Lasers for laser marking on metal components. This technology can produce markings with greater brightness than CO2 lasers. These markings are usually black if the metal is stainless steel. They can produce various shades of gray depending on the frequency used. Fiber Lasers can even mark different metal alloys like titanium. Then, you can adjust the frequency of the laser to change the color of the marking.

When fiber lasers are used for laser marking on metal components, they produce minimal mechanical pressure. They are also ideal for small components, such as crystal oscillators or capacitors. In this industry, safety, efficiency, and quality are top priorities. Many components in laptops and TVs are made up of minute substances. By using Fiber Lasers for laser marking, you can achieve the highest contrast labelling on any type of material.

With the help of Fiber Lasers, you can create traceability markings on metal components. The traceability markings on these parts may include the weight, the mold number, and the date of production. Data matrix codes are also possible. You can also mark logos and data matrix codes. Depending on the requirements, you can choose between a continuous beam and a pulsed beam. In addition to these features, Fiber Lasers are low on energy consumption. And unlike other laser machines, you won’t need to buy spare parts or consumables.

CO2 lasers

Several methods are used for laser marking on metals. The most common methods are carbonising, foaming, and etching. The former involves the application of a pre-treatment solution. This process does not remove any metal material, but instead creates a raised mark that is durable. The marking solution used for this purpose includes LaserBond, CerMark, and Enduramark. After applying the solution, operators apply it to the metal surface, allow it to dry, and then perform the engraving procedure as usual. The laser heat bonds the marking solution to the surface, leaving a permanent black mark. A CO2 laser is a good choice for this purpose because of its low contrast and ability to leave a raised mark.

In addition to engraving, CO2 lasers can be used for cutting metals. They have a wavelength of 1.06 micron, which absorbs most metals. For direct marking, a 1.06-micron laser is best. For indirect marking, a 10.6-micron wavelength is more appropriate. When selecting a laser, consider the metals you plan to mark. For example, aluminum and mild steel will reflect the laser light more strongly than stainless steel.

Fiber lasers, on the other hand, are a solid state laser. They can mark metals at a speed three times faster than CO2 lasers. Moreover, they consume a quarter less power than a comparable C02 marking system. And because they are maintenance-free and require no consumables, they are a good choice for industries that process metals in their production processes. The advantage of fiber lasers is that they can be used for engraving.

Steel laser engravers

Steel laser engravers offer several different marking options, including engraving, etching, and annealing. These laser engravers are ideal for marking high-speed steel components. Dot peen marking is one popular method, utilizing a tungsten carbide stylus to deform the steel part. A series of impacts results in the final marking. The result is legible, non-contrasting, and suitable for industrial applications.

A laser engraver that has a 3D imaging capability is more complex than a standard engraving machine, since 3D images are designed using 256 shades of gray instead of two. This means that white, for example, would be a 0% laser power, while black, for example, would fire at 100%. In addition to the larger range of grayscales, higher power engraves deeper relief.

High-quality images are essential for laser engraving. A poor-quality image can result in a blurry line. This will negatively affect the appearance of the final product. High-power laser engravers with multiple passes can create an impressive, detailed, and accurate engraving. But be careful. The quality of the engraving is the most important factor when choosing a steel laser engraver. While these machines may appear to be expensive, they are worth the investment in the end.

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