Wednesday, October 23

How To Create And Run End-To-End Automation Tests Using Playwright?

End-to-end testing

End-to-end testing is crucial in software development to ensure an application works as intended. Playwright is a powerful open-source automation testing tool that enables developers to automate end-to-end tests for web applications. With Playwright, you can simulate user actions and interactions with a web application to identify bugs and issues that could impact the user experience.

This blog will explore how to run end-to-end automation tests using Playwright. We will cover the basic concepts of Playwright, including how to set up the testing environment, write and execute tests, and generate test reports. By the end of this blog, you will understand how to use Playwright to automate end-to-end tests for your web applications and integrate Playwright into your software development workflow.

All You Should Know About Playwright

Playwright is a Node.js-based open-source automation testing tool that allows developers to automate end-to-end tests for web applications. Developed by Microsoft, Playwright offers powerful features that enable developers to simulate user interactions with web applications, including clicking buttons, filling out forms, and navigating through pages.

One of the critical advantages of Playwright is that it supports multiple browsers, including Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit, allowing developers to test their applications on different browsers and ensure compatibility across different environments. Playwright also offers several features to make testing more efficient, such as parallel testing, screenshots and videos of test runs, and detailed trace logs for debugging.

Overall, Playwright is a powerful and flexible automation testing tool that can help developers to improve the quality of their web applications by automating end-to-end tests and identifying bugs and issues before they impact the user experience.

All You Should Know About End-To-End Automation Test

End-to-end automation tests refer to software testing that evaluates the entire software application from start to finish, covering all the functional and non-functional aspects of the system.

This type of testing typically involves simulating real-world user scenarios and testing the system’s response to those scenarios. The goal is to ensure that all the individual components of the software application are working together seamlessly and that the system is performing as expected.

End-to-end testing is typically performed using automated testing tools to execute test scripts and simulate user interactions with the software application. These tools can help to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the testing process while also reducing the amount of time and effort required to perform manual testing.

The benefits of end-to-end automation testing include the following:

  • Increased efficiency: Automation testing tools can execute tests much faster than humans, making the testing process more efficient.

 Better coverage: End-to-end automation tests can cover a wider range of scenarios than manual testing, ensuring more comprehensive coverage of the software application.

 Faster feedback: Automated tests can provide feedback on the software application much faster than manual testing, allowing for quicker bug detection and resolution.

Overall, end-to-end automation testing can help to improve the quality and reliability of software applications while also reducing the time and cost associated with manual testing.

How To Write Your First Test Using Playwright?

LambdaTest is a digital experience testing cloud platform that allows you to perform manual and automation testing over a wide range of real browsers and mobile devices. With LambdaTest, you can test your scripts parallelly over multiple environments simultaneously. More than 1M+ users across 130+ countries have relied on LambdaTest for their testing needs. To get started with LambdaTest, you simply need to follow these simple steps:

I) Sign up for a LambdaTest account: Sign up for free or log in to the LambdaTest account.

II) Configure your environment: Configure your development environment to use Playwright and LambdaTest. You can find detailed instructions on how to do this in the LambdaTest documentation at

III) Create a new test file: Create a new file with a .js extension and give it a name that describes what the test does. For example, login.test.js.

IV) Import Playwright and LambdaTest: Import the necessary modules from Playwright and LambdaTest into your test file using the following code:

const { chromium } = require(‘playwright’);

const { LambdaTest } = require(‘@lambdatest/node-playwright’);



Make sure to replace YOUR_LAMBDATEST_USERNAME and YOUR_LAMBDATEST_ACCESS_KEY with your actual LambdaTest credentials.

V) Write your test: Write your test using Playwright’s API and LambdaTest’s functions.

VI) Run your test on LambdaTest: Save your test file and run it on LambdaTest.

How To Run End-To-End Automation Tests Using Playwright In 2023?

Playwright is a popular open-source automation tool that allows you to write end-to-end tests for web applications. Here are the steps to create end-to-end automation tests using Playwright:

1) Install Playwright

i) Make sure you have Node.js installed on your system. You can download and install it from the official website:

ii) Open a command prompt or terminal window.

iii) Run the following command to install Playwright: npm i playwright

This will install Playwright and its dependencies.

iv) After the installation is complete, you can verify that Playwright is installed correctly by running the following command: npx playwright version

This should display the version number of Playwright that you have installed. That’s it! You have now installed Playwright, and you’re ready to start writing automated tests.

2) Create a Test File

i) Create a new folder for your project and navigate to it in your command prompt or terminal window.

ii) Run the following command to initialize a new Node.js project: npm init

This will create a new package.json file in your project folder.

iii) Install Playwright by running the following command: npm install playwright

iv) Create a new JavaScript file in your project folder, for example, test.js.

v) Open the test.js file in your text editor and import the Playwright modules you need:

const { chromium } = require(‘playwright’);

This imports the Chromium browser module, which you can use to automate tests in the Chromium browser.

vi) Write your test code in the test.js file. For example, you can create a new test that opens a webpage and verifies that the title is correct:

(async () => {

const browser = await chromium.launch();

const page = await browser.newPage();

await page.goto(‘’);

const pageTitle = await page.title();

console.log(`The title of the page is: ${pageTitle}`);

await browser.close();


This code launches a new instance of Chromium, creates a new page, navigates to, gets the title of the page, logs it to the console, and then closes the browser.

vii) Save the test.js file.

That’s it! You have now created a test file for Playwright. You can run this test file by executing the following command in your command prompt or terminal window: node test.js

This will run the test and output the results in your console.

3) Define The Test

End-to-end automation tests are designed to simulate the entire user journey through an application, from start to finish, by automating user interactions and verifying the expected outcome. In the context of Playwright, an end-to-end automation test is a test case written to automate a specific user scenario in a web application using the Playwright library.

A test in end-to-end automation tests using Playwright typically involves the following steps:

i) Set up the test environment, including launching the web browser and navigating to the target web application.

ii) Simulate user interactions with the application, such as filling out forms, clicking buttons, and navigating between pages.

iii) Verify the expected outcomes of the user interactions, such as ensuring that the correct data is displayed on the screen or that the application responds correctly to user input.

 iv) Clean up the test environment by closing the web browser and releasing any resources the test uses.

In Playwright, tests can be written using a variety of programming languages, such as JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, and Java. Playwright provides a rich set of APIs for interacting with web pages and applications, including support for handling user input, managing cookies and storage, and capturing screenshots and videos of tests.

To write a test in end-to-end automation tests using Playwright, you typically create a new test case, define the user scenario you want to test, and then use Playwright APIs to automate the user interactions and verify the expected outcomes. The test case can be executed locally or integrated into a continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline to automate the testing process.

4) Run The Test

To run a test in end-to-end automation using Playwright, you will typically need to perform the following steps:

i) Install Playwright and any required dependencies for your programming language and environment.

ii) Write your test code using Playwright’s API, defining the steps to simulate user interactions and verify outcomes.

iii) Save your test code to a file in your project directory.

iv) Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to your project directory.

v) Run the test using the command your testing framework or runner provided.


When running end-to-end automation tests using Playwright and Lambdatest can significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of software testing.

Playwright provides a robust framework for automating browser testing across multiple platforms, while Lambdatest offers a cloud-based infrastructure for easy and scalable test execution. Together, they can enable teams to test their applications thoroughly and catch any bugs before they make it to production.

Additionally, by using Playwright’s robust API and Lambdatest’s integration with popular CI/CD tools, teams can seamlessly integrate automated testing into their development process, saving time and resources in the long run. Overall, leveraging these tools can help teams deliver higher-quality software faster and more confidently.

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